3-MONTH 1:1 MENTORSHIP PROGRAM FOR those called to surrender to the dark light at the core of their being


This program is designed exclusively for those souls who are truly all in,

Whose deepest calling is to offer up everything to the Life in their core,

Which is one with the Life in all cores,

And whose commitment is to take that surrender all the way,

And be consumed by the Dark Light



Breakthrough to the Life in the core of one’s being takes nothing less than total dedication. It requires a willingness to put everything, even one’s identity, on the altar to be penetrated and opened by that Life. It requires that this process becomes the spear tip of one’s whole being. When we live in this way, the dark responds.


The surrender required here is not a lazy acceptance of anything that happens, but is rather a mating dance with the One. It is a willingness to truly stop, to release our focus on the agendas of the personal self and even our soul, and to give our consent to the Life at the core of our being, refusing to be moved by anything less.


When we invoke the power, love and creativity of the dark, we must understand that this can bring destruction, purification, and radical reorganisation to the circumstances of our life. If we are to take this path, we must do so from a place of trust that whatever comes, it is in service of life.



The purity required here is not about dogmatic judgements. It is about purity of motive. It is about our yes to the dark at the core of our being coming from the naked, vulnerable, and sincere space of our soul. That still, silent place we know we can make decisions from that can impact our whole life. When we give our consent to the Life in our core from that place, it is heard.



  • 6 calls (60 min.) over the course of 3-months (1 call every 2 weeks)

  • Ongoing in-depth 1:1 guidance on your practice of opening to the Life of your core through your consciousness, heart, and body

  • Continual access to support and feedback over the 3-months via a messaging app (Signal)


  • Those who are called to the divine dark in their soul, body, and heart

  • Those for whom this kind of dedication and surrender has become a burning call of their innermost being

  • Those who are serious about the practice necessary for this kind of breakthrough

  • Those who have some foundation of personality integration and personal healing

  • Those who are genuinely ready for the courageous and vulnerable path of living from the current of Life in their core, wherever that leads

  • Those who understand that invoking this energy into their life may bring destruction, purification and radical reorganisation, and who still cannot help but say yes


I have spent the last decade in my own opening to the dark core of my being and supporting others to do the same in the fields of Shamballa School and AVATARA.


  • €4998 (if paid upfront - includes VAT)

    Or one of the following payment plans:

    • 3 instalments of €1666 p/month

    • 6 instalments of €833 p/month

    • 9 instalments of €555.33 p/month

If you are interested to explore whether we would be a fit to work together in this mentorship program, drop me an email to set up a discovery call at:
