“Jon Eden Khan has one of the most extraordinary capacities I have ever encountered to see that which is deepest, most precious, and most powerful in a person and to invite it to come forth.”

Stefana Bosse - Co-Founder and Co-Director of Alalaho


6-MONTH 1:1 MENTORSHIP PROGRAM FOR those called to live from their embodied soul


This program is designed for those called to live as an embodied soul,

Who long to come home to themselves,

And take their place as part of the tribe of awakening humanity.



Living from our soul is sourced in alignment. We learn to open ourselves and align with the presence of our soul. In doing so, we open a channel for the insights, guidance, and energy of our soul to pour into our heart and body, which gives us a touchstone for how it feels to live, feel, and move in alignment with our soul. I support people to learn to connect with their soul in this way.


To support the clients I work with, I leverage my expertise in some of the world’s most powerful teachings on awakening, evolution, and soul initiation. This allows me to see each client as a soul on a path of remembering who they truly are, and to tailer my support uniquely to the transformation that wants to happen so they can step into living, loving, and embodying their soul most powerfully.


Opening to the soul and our personal healing journey go hand in hand. As we make contact with our soul, and we start to connect to who we truly are there, what also rises are the most tender and vulnerable places in us that are in need of healing. I have supported people for over a decade to sustainably heal and resolve the traumas and pains that seem to block their ability to fully live from their soul with the world.  



The relationship between soul and body is core to the work I support people in. Living from alignment with our soul must be embodied to be authentic. And our soul journey needs to learn to honour the sacred intelligence of our body. I support people to activate and heal this relationship within themselves to live a soul-aligned, heart-open, vitally embodied life.



  • A curriculum of daily practice that integrates transformational tools and approaches to your holistic awakening, development, and embodiment

  • Personalised guidance and close support for you to connect with your soul

  • Personalised guidance and close support on your path of soul awakening, evolution, and embodiment that is informed by some of the world’s most powerful transformational teachings.

  • Personalised guidance and close support to sustainably bring healing to your traumas, complexes and sensed blockages so you can live in greater peace, love, and integrity with your soul, heart, and body

  • Personalised guidance and close support in how you can connect with the living intelligence of your body and bring your soul, heart, and body into loving relationship


  • 12 calls (60 min.) over the course of 6-months (1 call every 2 weeks) to empower and support the rise of your soul-driven leadership

  • Access to support and feedback over the 6-months via a messaging app (Signal)


  • Those who are seeking to deepen their connection with their soul

  • Those who who have been brought to this point of opening through suffering, and are vulnerably seeking to live a more aligned life

  • Those who are ready to do the practices that can support them to connect with their soul, do their healing work, and open to the living intelligence of their body


  • €9996 (if paid all upfront - includes VAT)

    Or one of the following payment plans:

    • 6 instalments of €1666 p/month

    • 10 instalments of €999.6 p/month

    • 12 instalments of €833 p/month

If you are interested to explore whether we would be a fit to work together in this mentorship program, drop me an email to set up a discovery call at:



“Jon Eden Khan has one of the most extraordinary capacities I have ever encountered to see that which is deepest, most precious, and most powerful in a person and to invite it to come forth.”

Stefana Bosse - Co-Founder and Co-Director of Alalaho

“Jon is the real deal. He is a genius in this work of supporting people to embody and express their purpose in the world in concrete form. Highly recommend.

Jon embodies living his soul in the world with his whole being. Working with him shook the core of my resistances to living that way. I am learning to live that more and more fully, and felt called to work with Jon to support that.

His presence was like shaking out the carpet of my personality.

It’s deep, foundational work he offers for aligning ourselves with the spirit of service at our core.

He lives it, and that forces his clients to confront the places in themselves that haven’t said yes to that yet. He is empathic, but to your soul’s call. He sees the beauty living at the core of you and supports it to emerge.

I know no one better at supporting people to deeply commit to living a soulcentric life.”

Peter Hines - Community Leader

“Jon Eden Khan and I have known each other since 2017. We’ve gone deep in several embodied spirituality group containers.

In 2020 I sought his help, guidance and wisdom through one of the roughest stretches I’ve come to know at a personal and spiritual level.

… apparently the embodied soul path (which is to say, the DESCENT path) really is NO joke…

Through a number of sessions, Jon supported me in making transpersonal sense of the physical ailments and heartbreaks my soul seemed to have chosen for the Earth ride.

Which is already an amazing balm when you feel like a ghost among the living.

But then came the SOUL PURPOSE dimension of it all, illuminating a whole new vision and understanding of harnessing soul and void power through the journey of incarnation.

What Jon offers that is so unique, is the depth of understanding and compassion for the heart-wrenching aspects of the human condition, in combination with a VAST knowledge of some of world’s most sophisticated spiritual teachings and models.

Not to mention being a living embodiment of fiery, relentless soul purpose with void energy at the centre.

Nothing has helped me anchor my soul purpose and conviction in my offerings in the world more than these profound, spiritual leadership sessions with Jon.

If you’re seeking spiritual guidance, reach out to him to learn more.”

Clara Gómez Santos - International Facilitator of Transformation

“I just finished a 6-month mentorship program with Jon. It was a deeply transformational experience for me. I think Jon is an outstanding transformational guide. The degree of honesty, openness, trust, wholeness, and love in how he guided me is breaking my heart really. The very beauty of this process leaves me speechless. It wasn’t the first time I worked with Jon one on one. His mastery of healing process and his ability to support soul unfoldment is beyond my wildest fantasies of what is possible here. I cannot tell you what exactly I’m getting out of it, because it’s so deep and so profound. I just know that this journey is essentially what my life is about, and I know that Jon is the master in this.”

Alexey Ilyichev - Organisational Development Consultant

“Over the past few months, I’ve had the pleasure of working with Jon while he mentored me. Incidentally it’s been a time of deep challenge, uncertainty, and creative tension for me in my own life. Jon’s mentorship has been instrumental in helping me to navigate this space with clarity, and really engage the opportunities for growth presented by these challenges.

Jon’s unconditional care and presence have allowed me to open into deep-seated pain, fear and shadow in an unprecedented way. Through Jon’s guidance, I’ve been surfacing and working with deeply rooted patterns that have kept me stuck. I’ve been connecting with and owning my true, essential power and inherent sense of self-worth. I’ve been coming into a fuller expression of myself, and gaining a deeper awareness of what I need to fully engage my power, purpose, and potential.

Jon offers a deep perspective that has guided me in examining my thoughts, behaviors, relationships, and environment with keen discernment, and reorienting those aspects of my life to be in service of my highest growth and expression.

He holds a treasure trove of spiritual knowledge and insight and embodies a presence that is deeply grounding. His integrative approach, keen perception, and deep listening have enabled me to engage the deepening and development of my consciousness in new ways.

Jon’s authenticity, deep compassion, and loving kindness are such a profound gift to this world, particularly in his capacity as a mentor. He expresses the most genuine care and working with him has been incredibly rewarding and transformative for me. I am deeply grateful for his support, unconditional friendship, perspective, compassion, and example.”

Usha Gubbala - Organisational Development Consultant

“What has been unique about working with Jon in his capacity as a mentor is that he foremost stands as a Friend. And what has been of unique value to me is being met with honesty, transparency and authenticity in therapeutic work. Jon shares his experience with inspiring honesty. Regardless of the seeming imperfection of his journey. The unconditional friendship that he shares has served as an invitation from Life itself. An invitation for me to befriend myself on all levels. And to befriend the process of Life, itself. I am experiencing a growing willingness to truly look and all that I have long been afraid of looking at, all that is painful and tender… and embrace what I see, as is… Lovingly. And be supported in that.

Jon’s clear and radiant presence is palpable and opens up a field that allows me to come into contact with valuable parts of myself. I feel catalysed into a process of truly belonging… to and in this body. Belonging to and on this planet. The past few months since I started working with Jon have also felt like a waking up to this web of life that I am a part of. Waking up to the fact that there is indeed a web of life and I am indeed a part of it.

The depth of care, spaciousness and unconditional love that I experience him bring to his work has supported me through an incredibly dark, painful and challenging time. Supported me in feeling safe to reveal myself, safer to allow the messiness, brokenness, insecurity, struggles to be fully witnessed and met with kindness, honesty and wisdom. I also experience with Jon a space that feels safe to reveal my gifts, shifts, breakthroughs and allow the light to be seen, honoured, and celebrated. Both aspects are met with understanding and love. This has been an incredible opening for personal healing on my journey to wholeness.

He possess both brilliantly sharp intellect and softness. A deep knowledge of psychotherapy while also relating with vulnerability and a willingness to share his humanity. I respect the dedication and devotion he applies to personal and spiritual growth, while also meeting as an equal, a peer on this journey… giving no illusions of being higher or lower and comfortable to reveal his own process of learning and unlearning. Jon has inspiring capacity to work with such depth and heart while being able to just meet at a very human and relatable level.

At the core of it, what I experience here is beyond coaching, it’s a space to share an experience of communing with That which is very deep and Sacred.

Jon is a foremost a friend, to me and to humanity. He is a friend, a Being of massive Heart and impeccability, who also happens to be highly skilled, brilliantly knowledgeable and deeply insightful.”

Katlego Nakedi - Art of Living Teacher

“Jon is a rare being on this earth as he combines a deep intellectual knowledge of the most potent spiritual systems of awakening, a palpable presence of spiritual realization that elevates those around him, as well as a dynamic blend of ego-less power and heart-opened humility. His energetic transmission along with his compassionate way of being and clear pointing out instructions has given me powerful shifts in perspective to deepen and stabilize my own spiritual realization. What is most striking about Jon is that although he has attained quite a high degree of spiritual realization, he has dedicated his life to both further awakening as well as the embodiment of that awakening through every aspect of his life. Anyone looking for freedom from suffering, expression of soul essence, and confidence at the deepest level, would be lucky to be able to spend time with Jon as a mentor and coach.”

Michael Brabant - Consultant, Spiritual Teacher and Group Facilitator

“From the moment we met, 15 years ago, Jon could see my soul. And that of all people around him. It is one of the most important and most beautiful gifts.”

Jesslyn Becker - Founder of Soulseeds Holistic Therapy